Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Battle Report: Wood Elves Vs High Elves 2000 Points

Hey Guys, Azeebo here

This is my first actual battle using wood elves and its against the mighty High Elves! Should be an interesting match up, enjoy.

*Please forgive the lack of terrain in this battle report. During time of play we did not have access to much terrain so we used what little we had*

Army Lists

Wood Elves


Spell Weaver
Level Four Wizard + Lore of Life

Scout Kindred
The Bow of Loren
Arcane Bodkins


Branch Wraith
Cluster of Radiant's


10 Glade Guard

10 Glade Guard

10 Glade Guard

20 Dryads


6 Treekin



6 Way Watchers

High Elves


Level Four Wizard + High Magic
Starwood Staff
Amulet of Preservation


Great Eagle
Heavy Armour
Helm of Fortune
The Skeinsliver


50 Spearmen
Full Command
Lion Standard


20 Sword Masters
Full Command
Banner of Sorcery

20 Sword Masters
Full Command

10 Dragon Princes


As you can see in the above image this was a Watchtower mission. I deployed my forces on the west, my opponent on the east. To the North i had a unit of Glade Guard flanked by my Treeman. My center line consisted of my 20 Dryads + Branch wraith, west of them was my spell weavers unit. The southern flank had my final unit of glade guard and my Treekin. I scouted my way watchers up in the forest to cause some havoc.

My opponent won the Tower roll and placed a unit of 20 sword masters there to keep my units from taking it without some force. Her north flank had her second unit of Swordmasters with her Noble behind ready to harrass my back field mid game. Her center line was a large block of spearmen with her mage hanging out just behind them with her dragon princes taking up position on the south flank.

Turn One
Wood Elves

My forces moved towards the tower preparing for the first wave of siege warfare. Magic went well for me, i managed to get of Throne of Vines and cast Flesh to Stone on my Treekin. Shooting saw 4 sword masters in the tower die which was a good start.

High Elves

Becoming aware of my Highborn's character slaying bow she diverted her eagle behind the watch tower for protection. Moving her army forward rapidly she prepared her charges. Her Wizard moved into a safer location and cast Flames of the Phoenix on my Treekin with an insanely high score of 30. I manage to dispel it with an irresistible dispel. She casts Shield of Saphery on her Watchtower unit and ends her turn.

Turn Two
Wood Elves

My forces move forwards again, this time slower as to bait my opponent into some long range charges. My way watchers moved out of the forest to lure the sword masters into a failed charge. Magic once again went well with my Treekin receiving Toughness 9 and Shield of Thorns to help in combat and to prevent any high damage spells (flames of the phoenix). Shooting saw a few more sword masters across the board fall and even a dragon prince. Not a bad turn, slowly taking them apart.

High Elves

Her noble flies over my armies head and lands behind my Spell Weaver ready for an assassination later on, her sword masters and dragon princes charge however rolled poorly and failed, my units opted to stand and shoot and took down a chunk of both units. Her spear men nipped around the south edge of the tower and her Wizard was hot on their tails. Her wizard then casts another flames of the Phoenix and deals 2 wounds overall and once again casts Shield on her Watchtower unit.

Turn Three
Wood Elves

I play it risky and charge my Dryads into the Watchtower and the Treekin into her spearmen. My plan was to quickly break both unit and secure a strong foot hold in the center field. I move my way watchers around the sword masters to avoid another charge. I was a bit enthusiastic with my casting and totally forgot to dispel flames of the phoenix however it caused no damage, nor did i cast anything...could have been devastating with an assassination of his Wizard however his 4++ ward save prevent him from taking any damage...drat. Combat was a mixed bag, my Dryads SLAUGHTERED the sword masters and they fled against all the odds and i had control of the tower. The treekin killed many spearmen but couldnt break them...my flanks were exposed!

High Elves

Her eagle charges my generals unit, her sword masters charge my glade guard in the forest but fail once again, i stand and shoot and do a few wounds. Her dragon princes flank my Treekin and her sword masters rally and her wizard joins their ranks. Magic was uneventful. Combat was a disaster however. My generals unit fled, was caught and killed, the Treekin took a pounding but held against all odds...it was not looking good on the south flank.

Turn Four
Wood Elves

Undaunted by the situation i charge my Treeman into the flank of the Sword Masters and maneuver my army a bit to avoid charges and generally stay out of trouble. Combat phase went very well with my treeman destroying the sword masters and causing them to flee off the board and reforming to face the next sword master unit. My treekin take another beating but once again hold the line for another turn!

High Elves

Her eagle charges the tower whilst her sword masters begin to move north around the tower. Magic fluffed and we go onto combat. My treekin finally fold and the Dragon Princes Overrun into my glade guard who opt to flee. Her spearmen reform to charge the tower next turn. The dryads hold against the eagle taking little damage and doing none in return.

Turn Five
Wood Elves

My Treeman charges the sword masters and my glade guard rear charge her eagle in an attempt to break her with combat resolution. My way watchers charge block her spearmen and my glade guard....well they flee off the board...combat went bad. The tower brawl saw nobody die and nobody flee and despite the Treeman pounding on the sword masters the hold against him. Not a great turn.

High Elves

Her spearmen charge into my way watchers whilst her dragon princes line up for the flank charge. Her spearmen wipe out my way watchers and over run into the tower and once again, the impossible to crack noble refuses to flee.

Turn Six
Wood Elves

Another short turn. My treeman moves around the tower and combat once again saw no wounds in sight. Its down to the wire.

High Elves

The last turn was epic. Everything charged into the final round of combat against the dryads. The glade guard lost 8 of their members giving the opponent a large resolution bonus however my Dryads manage to kill enough spearmen make it a tie and win the game!


Leave comments, post feed back and what do you think of  Battle Chronicler?

- Azeebo

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