Hey guys and welcome to part 8 of my Wood Elf Unit Tactics. Today we are taking a closer look at Wardancers, the first of our full time special choices.
Wardancers are the super fast ninja assassins of the wood elves. Every member of the troupe is capable of killing even the mightiest general in a single blow as well as cut down hordes of enemies with ease. Wardancers combine sold rules with a great statline to produce a kick ass unit (the models are not bad either!)
Strengths and Weaknesses
The base statline of a wardancer is good, but it actually worse than a dryads in nearly every regard and 6 points more expensive to boot. Luckily, they have some special rules that bring them up to scratch. They wield Wardancer Weapons which grants +1 attack as well as +1 strength when charging. This gives them a hefty 2 attacks at strength 4 WS6 I6. The real meat comes from the Shadow Dances. Wardancers can pick between 4 dances and they either let you land Killing Blows, have an additional +1 attack, have a 4++ ward save or Always Strike First with a -1 attack modifier in place. Despite their lack of armour they pack a 6++ ward save naturally and have a magic resistance of 1 so against magic they have a nice 5++ ward save and being skirmishers means hitting them with ranged weaponry is more difficult. Finally being immune to psychology means even fear and terror causing units wont hinder your slaughter.
The downsides however are that they are pricey and very fragile. Yes a 6++ ward save is handy but its not going to save you reliably and having no armour and only being Toughness 3 you are going to fall to supporting attacks REALLY fast. The dance that grants always strikes first is a complete waste since you get less attacks and your high initiative should be hitting first or at least at the same time as most other units in the game. And unfortunately only being S4 some of the time really hinders their attack power in prolonged combats...oh and they suffer from Skirmishers which means they cant break your opponents ranks...fantastic.
The idea is to use them in 1 of 2 ways. You either want to have them as a supporting unit where you get flank charges in whilst your anvil holds up a unit (Ancients for example). And in most cases you want to be using the +1 attack dance giving you a hefty 3 S4 attacks each letting you pile on the hurt against weaker foes and since you are on the flank you shouldn't take to much damage from counter attacks. The other use is assassination. You want to find and challenge powerful or vulnerable characters and take them out with a few well placed Killing Blow strikes. Unit size is important when running Wardancers, they cant have more than 15 and to be honest you never want that many anyway. 8 is the magic number as any more and you are just wasting attacks. 8 wardancers doesn't set you back to much in terms of points either letting you focus on other portions of your army.
As with most wood elf units Hidden Path is a life saver as these really lack any sort of protection. Becoming immune to most ranged weapons is just to good to pass up. The Lore of Life is simply overkill and not needed since you shouldnt require the defensive bonuses...and certainly not as much as other units in your army. The Lore of Beasts is perfect however as Wyssans Wildform really gives them a combat boost and is reccomended when charging...heck its recommended every combat phase.
I would possibly being a Champion along as it gives you and extra attack in combat however he certainly is not a must have upgrade, and musicians are simply not worth their points in such a unit. Heroes and Lords can have a great effect on combat however. A Noble can simply pack Blades of Loec and Wardancer Kindred and become a handy tool in your unit giving you an addition 4-5 S4-5 attacks that get rerolls to hit and to wound. If you want a particularly beefy character take a Highborn with Blades of Loec, Helm of the Hunt and Stone of Rebirth and Wardancer Kindred. This guy has a 2++ ward save when reduced to 1 wound and gets 6-7 attacks with rerolls. Remember that Blades of Loec can be used in conjunction with Shadow Dances which makes this character particularly deadly against characters as 6 killing blow attacks with rerolls could mean the death of just about any character in the game.
Wardancers are good unit. Fun to field, fun special rules and great stat lines over all. Are they worth the extra 6 points when compared to Dryads? yes and no. Dryads are more reliable however wardancers have more potential for insane damage output. Its up to you to decide which one you prefer.
This blog is designed to be my step by step walk through life as a Wood Elf player in Warhammer Fantasy (8th Edition). As we all know, Wood Elves have become one of the hardest armies to play but it is my goal to take the world by storm and show you all how to use your Army to its fullest...oh and now there is Beastmen lurking the blog! - Azeebo
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Wood Elf Unit Tactics Part 7 - Eternal Guard
Hey guys, and welcome to my 7th part to the Wood Elf Unit Tactics series. Today we are looking at the Eternal Guard. Our second 100% melee unit...how will these guys hold up to the might of the Dryads?
Eternal Guard are odd...they have odd rules, odd weapons, odd points cost and odd Force Organisation Placement. Lets start from the top. They have a special fighting style that basically means they are using 2 weapons, a spear AND a hand weapon and shield (minus the parry save) all at the same time. So you basically get to attack in 3-4 ranks, the front rank has 2 attacks each and everyone gets +1 to their armour save. Pretty strange if you ask me! They also benefit GREATLY from having a noble or highborn tagging along with them however they are REALLY expensive being the same cost as a dryad but statwise...and rule wise not as good. Strange indeed...
Strengths and Weaknesses
They are our first real anvil type unit (excluding the ancient) being able to take large numbers and have them in a rank and file formation. This is great since we lack anything that can do this effectively and when you are packing Ld9 and a 5+ armour save you are surprisingly good at holding units up on paper. Whats even better is if you have a noble or highborn as your entire unit becomes stubborn meaning they will be very hard to shift once they reach combat. Speaking of combat they do pretty well packing WS5 I5 and a standard unit of 30-40 will be getting 40-50 attacks in combat. And finally they are Core when a Highborn is your general (usually Special).
Unfortunately this all comes at a price. They can be taken in large numbers but cost to much to do so effectively. You get a lot of attacks but only have S3 meaning your not going to be doing a lot of damage. Your stubborn but it further increases their already heavy cost. Highborns are expensive, and in lower points games not as useful as a wizard meaning they are usually Special...and that puts them up against some really good units.
Well, as you have guessed they are best used as an Anvil unit. They get into combat and hold a unit so your more powerful units can come in with a flank or rear charge and finish the job. Getting stuck in a 1 on 1 combat is rarely a good idea since even the most basic troops will be a match for you. A unit of Skaven Slaves for example could overwhelm you with attacks and just rip you to pieces due to your low armour. There are ways around this however such as using your eternal guard as a Character Bunker. Placing several nobles or higborns kitted out for close combat and you can really add to the punch of the unit and cause some real damage as well as retaining that all important stubborn.
Always take a full command. You want the banner for the extra res and the 50 point banner (armour piercing is always a good choice), a champion for the character protection and a musician in case you do run and you want to get back into the fight! In terms of characters you have a few good options. A battle standard bearer is usually very safe in the ranks of the eternal guard and gives them a combat resolution boost as well as making your unit EVEN HARDER to break in combat. You can even kit him out for combat if you want or add a very expensive banner to increase effectiveness. To improve defense and mobility throw in a Lord with Rhymers Harp for the 5++ ward save for the unit or maybe a hero with Wraithstone to reduce the enemies leadership. Taking a character with Moonstone will also let you jump to a better vantage point if you need to. And the classic combat heroes are always welcome!
In order to survive you need some sort of magic. As with all our units Hidden Path from Athel Loren works wonders here, however beasts gives your unit some added toughness and strength and if you are character heavy a savage beast of horros can be a game changer. Life however takes the cake in this instance giving you insane toughness, regeneration, added damage and regrowth to keep your units fighting fit. The downside is you will need to focus A LOT of power into keeping your eternal guard standing.
They are OK. You need to invest heavily in terms of points to bring them effectively and then throw in expensive characters and then it just gets silly. When you consider many armies have access to horde destroying spells you have to be very careful as 1 spell could very easily wipe out your lightly armored tanks...and when you look at it for the same price you could get Glade Guard or Dryads who are both superior.
Eternal Guard are odd...they have odd rules, odd weapons, odd points cost and odd Force Organisation Placement. Lets start from the top. They have a special fighting style that basically means they are using 2 weapons, a spear AND a hand weapon and shield (minus the parry save) all at the same time. So you basically get to attack in 3-4 ranks, the front rank has 2 attacks each and everyone gets +1 to their armour save. Pretty strange if you ask me! They also benefit GREATLY from having a noble or highborn tagging along with them however they are REALLY expensive being the same cost as a dryad but statwise...and rule wise not as good. Strange indeed...
Strengths and Weaknesses
They are our first real anvil type unit (excluding the ancient) being able to take large numbers and have them in a rank and file formation. This is great since we lack anything that can do this effectively and when you are packing Ld9 and a 5+ armour save you are surprisingly good at holding units up on paper. Whats even better is if you have a noble or highborn as your entire unit becomes stubborn meaning they will be very hard to shift once they reach combat. Speaking of combat they do pretty well packing WS5 I5 and a standard unit of 30-40 will be getting 40-50 attacks in combat. And finally they are Core when a Highborn is your general (usually Special).
Unfortunately this all comes at a price. They can be taken in large numbers but cost to much to do so effectively. You get a lot of attacks but only have S3 meaning your not going to be doing a lot of damage. Your stubborn but it further increases their already heavy cost. Highborns are expensive, and in lower points games not as useful as a wizard meaning they are usually Special...and that puts them up against some really good units.
Well, as you have guessed they are best used as an Anvil unit. They get into combat and hold a unit so your more powerful units can come in with a flank or rear charge and finish the job. Getting stuck in a 1 on 1 combat is rarely a good idea since even the most basic troops will be a match for you. A unit of Skaven Slaves for example could overwhelm you with attacks and just rip you to pieces due to your low armour. There are ways around this however such as using your eternal guard as a Character Bunker. Placing several nobles or higborns kitted out for close combat and you can really add to the punch of the unit and cause some real damage as well as retaining that all important stubborn.
Always take a full command. You want the banner for the extra res and the 50 point banner (armour piercing is always a good choice), a champion for the character protection and a musician in case you do run and you want to get back into the fight! In terms of characters you have a few good options. A battle standard bearer is usually very safe in the ranks of the eternal guard and gives them a combat resolution boost as well as making your unit EVEN HARDER to break in combat. You can even kit him out for combat if you want or add a very expensive banner to increase effectiveness. To improve defense and mobility throw in a Lord with Rhymers Harp for the 5++ ward save for the unit or maybe a hero with Wraithstone to reduce the enemies leadership. Taking a character with Moonstone will also let you jump to a better vantage point if you need to. And the classic combat heroes are always welcome!
In order to survive you need some sort of magic. As with all our units Hidden Path from Athel Loren works wonders here, however beasts gives your unit some added toughness and strength and if you are character heavy a savage beast of horros can be a game changer. Life however takes the cake in this instance giving you insane toughness, regeneration, added damage and regrowth to keep your units fighting fit. The downside is you will need to focus A LOT of power into keeping your eternal guard standing.
They are OK. You need to invest heavily in terms of points to bring them effectively and then throw in expensive characters and then it just gets silly. When you consider many armies have access to horde destroying spells you have to be very careful as 1 spell could very easily wipe out your lightly armored tanks...and when you look at it for the same price you could get Glade Guard or Dryads who are both superior.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
GW hammering down
Unfortunatly i will have to remove all GW related images from my blog as it is apparently a violation in their terms and conditions. This is outrageous, so expect all images from GW to be removed and in the future photographs of my own models.
Sorry for the inconvienence guys!
Sorry for the inconvienence guys!
Wood Elf Unit Tactics Part 6 - Glade Riders
Hey Guys and welcome to my 6th entry to Wood Elf Unit Tactics. Today we are looking at Glade Riders which just so happen to be our cheapest Fast Cavalry unit.
Glade Riders are extremely fast and very maneuverable and are probably the most accurate firing bases in the game being able to move insanely far per turn and still fire their bows with 0 penalty to accuracy. Put it this way, you can potentially 'move' 52" on the first turn of the game and fire your 30" long bow giving you a whopping threat range of 82" on the first turn. Its not all positives however as you will soon discover.
Strengths and Weaknesses
The strength of the Glade Riders comes in 3 forms: speed, maneuverability and harassment. They are fast cavalry which allows them to March and Shoot, they can move 12" before the game starts, they can reform for free and gain a nice little ability called Feigned Flight which essentially means when you flee and regroup you can move as normal...including march however you always count as moving when you come to fire your weapons. Combine these abilities with the wood elves special rules and you can flee, regroup move 18" and fire your bows with 0 penalty to hit...which is insane. Add to this the ability to ignore dangerous terrain tests when moving through forests and it seems like nothing can stop you!
Unfortunately a slight breeze can stop you as you have 0 armour, and your only defense comes from the fact you are on a horse (so a 6+ save)...and being T3 your not going to last long at all. Unfortunately your bows are horribly ineffective since they are only strength 3 (not 4 at close range like Glade Guard) meaning you are struggling to do any damage despite your mobility and accuracy. The final nail in the coffin is the price...at almost 25 points a model you are paying a load of points for very little damage out put with next to no defense...a risky move indeed.
Despite their weaknesses and the general hate they gather from many wood elf players Glade Guard are still in fact rather useful. As mentioned above they can potentially move 52" in their first movement phase...depending on the size of the board. Lets say for arguments sake you have a 12" deployment zone. Deploy on that line, move 12" with vanguard and march 18" and bam you have just reached the other side of the board. Bearing this in mind, what tends to lurk at their board edge? Lone Wizards (occasionally) and Warmachines. That initial burst of speed makes them perfect warmachine hunters as you might well imagine. But they have other roles such as 'Bait'. You place your riders in a position where the enemy can charge you, when they attempt it you flee, escape in most cases rally (Ld9 with a musician) and them move your 18" (for example you move PAST the unit that charged you) not only have you pulled the enemy out of formation and into a possible ambush but you have also managed to slip your glade riders behind his unit making them a very real threat when combat begins as you could come in with a flank or rear charge. Finally using them as light infantry hunters. Some armies may utilize skirmishers which are often small in number and easy pickings for your riders especially in combat where you have the clear advantage. You may as well exploit it! In terms of unit size 5 is probably the safest option as it is not to expensive and you can do your general duties pretty well however if you want to risk it for a bit more of a punch then 10 (max unit cap) is not a bad idea, especially for combat support as you will have enough ranks to deny their rank bonus...providing you dont lose a single rider to magic or ranged weaponry.
A fantastic spell to make riders a bit harder to kill is Hidden Path as it makes you immune to mundane ranged weaponry however even that could be a waste as a simple magic missile could very easily wipe out an entire unit. It is probably best using your magic on other units as riders do not really benefit from it.
Never take a champion and ALWAYS take a Musician as it lets you rally easier letting you Feign Flight more reliably. Standard Bearers are hit and miss. Needed for a certain mission and handy in a combat but when push comes to shove and points become tight dropping this guy is probably a good idea. Whilst not part of the command dont place your expensive heroes and lords with Glade Riders, they are far to fragile to be bodyguards for your general etc. so keep characters out of the unit!
I like them BUT they are nowhere near as 'must have' as Glade Guard or Dryads. Against some armies they can prove to be effective if used right however be constantly aware if your foe chooses to destroy them he can and will do it in a heart beat. This makes them EASY victory points for your opponent. Because of this, if you take them you have to have an objective for them per game like: Take out X number of warmachines etc. This way when they die they have done something to help your armies cause...
Glade Riders are extremely fast and very maneuverable and are probably the most accurate firing bases in the game being able to move insanely far per turn and still fire their bows with 0 penalty to accuracy. Put it this way, you can potentially 'move' 52" on the first turn of the game and fire your 30" long bow giving you a whopping threat range of 82" on the first turn. Its not all positives however as you will soon discover.
Strengths and Weaknesses
The strength of the Glade Riders comes in 3 forms: speed, maneuverability and harassment. They are fast cavalry which allows them to March and Shoot, they can move 12" before the game starts, they can reform for free and gain a nice little ability called Feigned Flight which essentially means when you flee and regroup you can move as normal...including march however you always count as moving when you come to fire your weapons. Combine these abilities with the wood elves special rules and you can flee, regroup move 18" and fire your bows with 0 penalty to hit...which is insane. Add to this the ability to ignore dangerous terrain tests when moving through forests and it seems like nothing can stop you!
Unfortunately a slight breeze can stop you as you have 0 armour, and your only defense comes from the fact you are on a horse (so a 6+ save)...and being T3 your not going to last long at all. Unfortunately your bows are horribly ineffective since they are only strength 3 (not 4 at close range like Glade Guard) meaning you are struggling to do any damage despite your mobility and accuracy. The final nail in the coffin is the price...at almost 25 points a model you are paying a load of points for very little damage out put with next to no defense...a risky move indeed.
Despite their weaknesses and the general hate they gather from many wood elf players Glade Guard are still in fact rather useful. As mentioned above they can potentially move 52" in their first movement phase...depending on the size of the board. Lets say for arguments sake you have a 12" deployment zone. Deploy on that line, move 12" with vanguard and march 18" and bam you have just reached the other side of the board. Bearing this in mind, what tends to lurk at their board edge? Lone Wizards (occasionally) and Warmachines. That initial burst of speed makes them perfect warmachine hunters as you might well imagine. But they have other roles such as 'Bait'. You place your riders in a position where the enemy can charge you, when they attempt it you flee, escape in most cases rally (Ld9 with a musician) and them move your 18" (for example you move PAST the unit that charged you) not only have you pulled the enemy out of formation and into a possible ambush but you have also managed to slip your glade riders behind his unit making them a very real threat when combat begins as you could come in with a flank or rear charge. Finally using them as light infantry hunters. Some armies may utilize skirmishers which are often small in number and easy pickings for your riders especially in combat where you have the clear advantage. You may as well exploit it! In terms of unit size 5 is probably the safest option as it is not to expensive and you can do your general duties pretty well however if you want to risk it for a bit more of a punch then 10 (max unit cap) is not a bad idea, especially for combat support as you will have enough ranks to deny their rank bonus...providing you dont lose a single rider to magic or ranged weaponry.
A fantastic spell to make riders a bit harder to kill is Hidden Path as it makes you immune to mundane ranged weaponry however even that could be a waste as a simple magic missile could very easily wipe out an entire unit. It is probably best using your magic on other units as riders do not really benefit from it.
Never take a champion and ALWAYS take a Musician as it lets you rally easier letting you Feign Flight more reliably. Standard Bearers are hit and miss. Needed for a certain mission and handy in a combat but when push comes to shove and points become tight dropping this guy is probably a good idea. Whilst not part of the command dont place your expensive heroes and lords with Glade Riders, they are far to fragile to be bodyguards for your general etc. so keep characters out of the unit!
I like them BUT they are nowhere near as 'must have' as Glade Guard or Dryads. Against some armies they can prove to be effective if used right however be constantly aware if your foe chooses to destroy them he can and will do it in a heart beat. This makes them EASY victory points for your opponent. Because of this, if you take them you have to have an objective for them per game like: Take out X number of warmachines etc. This way when they die they have done something to help your armies cause...
Fast Cavalry,
Glade Riders,
Wood Elves
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Wood Elf Unit Tactics Part 5 - Dryads and Branchwraiths
Hey guys and welcome to part 5 of my Wood Elf Tactics. Now some of you eagle eyed viewers may have noticed i missed out Branchwraiths during my run through the Lord and Hero selection...well that is because i wanted to include them with the Dryads...oh and if you hadn't guessed we are looking at Dryads...
Dryads were once considered to be one of the most over powered units in the game since they were so cheap yet so powerful...this was back when Dwarfs were considered the toughest infantry in the game...years on things have changed however Dryads are still one of the BEST core choices we have access to and considering they are so cheap they are another must have core unit for any wood elf army (unless themed of course).
Strengths and Weaknesses
When looking at a Dryad you have to think of an elf then imagine the exact opposite. Elves in our book tend to focus on ranged, lack armour, be fragile and pretty weak. This naturally means dryads are tough, strong and have a pretty damn good save to boot. Dryads go into battle with 2 S4 magical attacks each at initiative 6 meaning 9/10 times you are striking first and your striking hard. When the foe hits you back he has to punch through Toughness 4 and a 5++ ward save! Finally they cause Fear giving them some extra defense against the more wimpy units in the game.
When it comes to disadvantages Dryads have very few. They are Skirmishers meaning its harder for them to shot at which is great but it also has a negative impact on their combat ability because they cant break ranks, don't benefit from steadfast and don't have a rank bonus for combat resolution meaning they will have a hard time breaking most units since they will ALWAYS be steadfast against you in a 1 on 1 fight. Dryads are also Forest Spirits, this is a GREAT rule overall giving them loads of benefits however because of this they cant be accompanied by wizards or nobles and only Branchwraiths can reliably and safely join their ranks. They have no access to command units so if they flee they are more likely to not rally than our elf troops and they cant benefit from standard bearers. Finally their ward save does not work against magic based attacks, so whilst its great against most units they are very vulnerable to more elite units and wizards.
Dryads can be used in a few ways, however most will agree the best way is to run them as a Hammer unit...and they are one hell of a hammer. The ideal size for Dryads in my opinion is either 8, 10 or 12. Any more and you are wasting attacks and the cost rises and maneuverability of the unit drops significantly. Bear in mind that 8 dryads cost less than 100 points and pack 16 S4 magical attacks which can be a combat decider when you have a strong anvil up front (like a Treeman Ancient). 10 - 12 Dryads are more expensive and are just as effective as Hammer units and of course they can take more of beating, whats more they can act as mini anvils since they are tough enough to hold up weaker infantry (goblins, humans, skaven) quite well. The final tactic is to go with a full unit of 20 (max unit size). This 20 man unit should be run 10x2 and should be used as an Anvil. The REAL use however comes into play when you are playing the Watchtower mission as you have the hard hitting power of the dryad for assaulting the watchtower (bearing in mind only 20 Core troops can start in the watchtower and dryads are more than a match for most core units in the game) and if you manage to start in the tower you have a very hard to move unit able to hold up against nearly anything.
*REMEMBER: Dryads are skirmishers! They are stubborn when in woodland terrain and enemies cannot benefit from steadfast when in woodland terrain! Use this to your advantage and bait enemies into combats on your terms!*
Dryads are one of those units that go from great to amazing when given some magical attention. The lore of life is common as you can make them Toughness 6-8 but my personal favorite is to run them near a Lore of Beast weaver and simply cast Wyssans Wild Form giving them S5 T5 making them stronger and tougher letting you deal more hurt and take it back in droves. Finally if you have a Athel Loren singer with Call of the Hunt this can really boost a dryads attack power. For overkill combine Call of the Hunt and Wyssans for some real carnage!
These are our cheapest Heroes coming in at under 70 points. They have come in with 3 S4 WS6 attacks at I8 meaning she is pretty darn good for her points. She has access to 50 points worth of Spites and is the cheapest way to gain access to Cluster of Radiants (+1 dispel dice). Optionally she can be boosted to a level 1 wizard but this upgrade almost doubles her points and is not worth it AT ALL. She is an OK choice to take especially in themed lists or games at a lower points level when you cant take a Treeman Ancient but as a whole she can only really join dryads and doesn't add enough to be worth it (you could just upgrade a dryad to a Nymph/Champion to get the same results).
Branchwraiths are your cheapest way to get hold of CoR but other than that are not worth the investment. Dryads on the other hand are fantastic despite thier flaws. A few units of 8-12 and you have some very potent hammer units that can also take a beating.
As a side note, they are 3 points cheaper than Sword Masters (High Elves number 1 Special choice) and they destroy them...every time...high elves beware!
Dryads were once considered to be one of the most over powered units in the game since they were so cheap yet so powerful...this was back when Dwarfs were considered the toughest infantry in the game...years on things have changed however Dryads are still one of the BEST core choices we have access to and considering they are so cheap they are another must have core unit for any wood elf army (unless themed of course).
Strengths and Weaknesses
When looking at a Dryad you have to think of an elf then imagine the exact opposite. Elves in our book tend to focus on ranged, lack armour, be fragile and pretty weak. This naturally means dryads are tough, strong and have a pretty damn good save to boot. Dryads go into battle with 2 S4 magical attacks each at initiative 6 meaning 9/10 times you are striking first and your striking hard. When the foe hits you back he has to punch through Toughness 4 and a 5++ ward save! Finally they cause Fear giving them some extra defense against the more wimpy units in the game.
When it comes to disadvantages Dryads have very few. They are Skirmishers meaning its harder for them to shot at which is great but it also has a negative impact on their combat ability because they cant break ranks, don't benefit from steadfast and don't have a rank bonus for combat resolution meaning they will have a hard time breaking most units since they will ALWAYS be steadfast against you in a 1 on 1 fight. Dryads are also Forest Spirits, this is a GREAT rule overall giving them loads of benefits however because of this they cant be accompanied by wizards or nobles and only Branchwraiths can reliably and safely join their ranks. They have no access to command units so if they flee they are more likely to not rally than our elf troops and they cant benefit from standard bearers. Finally their ward save does not work against magic based attacks, so whilst its great against most units they are very vulnerable to more elite units and wizards.
Dryads can be used in a few ways, however most will agree the best way is to run them as a Hammer unit...and they are one hell of a hammer. The ideal size for Dryads in my opinion is either 8, 10 or 12. Any more and you are wasting attacks and the cost rises and maneuverability of the unit drops significantly. Bear in mind that 8 dryads cost less than 100 points and pack 16 S4 magical attacks which can be a combat decider when you have a strong anvil up front (like a Treeman Ancient). 10 - 12 Dryads are more expensive and are just as effective as Hammer units and of course they can take more of beating, whats more they can act as mini anvils since they are tough enough to hold up weaker infantry (goblins, humans, skaven) quite well. The final tactic is to go with a full unit of 20 (max unit size). This 20 man unit should be run 10x2 and should be used as an Anvil. The REAL use however comes into play when you are playing the Watchtower mission as you have the hard hitting power of the dryad for assaulting the watchtower (bearing in mind only 20 Core troops can start in the watchtower and dryads are more than a match for most core units in the game) and if you manage to start in the tower you have a very hard to move unit able to hold up against nearly anything.
*REMEMBER: Dryads are skirmishers! They are stubborn when in woodland terrain and enemies cannot benefit from steadfast when in woodland terrain! Use this to your advantage and bait enemies into combats on your terms!*
Dryads are one of those units that go from great to amazing when given some magical attention. The lore of life is common as you can make them Toughness 6-8 but my personal favorite is to run them near a Lore of Beast weaver and simply cast Wyssans Wild Form giving them S5 T5 making them stronger and tougher letting you deal more hurt and take it back in droves. Finally if you have a Athel Loren singer with Call of the Hunt this can really boost a dryads attack power. For overkill combine Call of the Hunt and Wyssans for some real carnage!
These are our cheapest Heroes coming in at under 70 points. They have come in with 3 S4 WS6 attacks at I8 meaning she is pretty darn good for her points. She has access to 50 points worth of Spites and is the cheapest way to gain access to Cluster of Radiants (+1 dispel dice). Optionally she can be boosted to a level 1 wizard but this upgrade almost doubles her points and is not worth it AT ALL. She is an OK choice to take especially in themed lists or games at a lower points level when you cant take a Treeman Ancient but as a whole she can only really join dryads and doesn't add enough to be worth it (you could just upgrade a dryad to a Nymph/Champion to get the same results).
Branchwraiths are your cheapest way to get hold of CoR but other than that are not worth the investment. Dryads on the other hand are fantastic despite thier flaws. A few units of 8-12 and you have some very potent hammer units that can also take a beating.
As a side note, they are 3 points cheaper than Sword Masters (High Elves number 1 Special choice) and they destroy them...every time...high elves beware!
Wood Elf Unit Tactics Part 4 - Glade Guard and Scouts
Hey guys and welcome to Part 4 of my Wood Elf Unit Tactics, today we are taking a look at Glade Guard and Scouts.
I love Glade Guard both in game and in model terms. They look fantastic and when used right they can be devastating. They have a few special rules that let them hit targets from 3ft away, the most powerful long bows to name a few. You would be foolish to run an army without a solid core of Glade Guard in my opinion.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Being BS4 is the most obvious advantage they will be hitting most targets at short range on a 3+, but this by itself isn't that special compared to most other archers. What does make them superior is the ability to move and shoot without any penalty meaning you essentially have a 35" range and even at that range you are still hitting on 4+ when most armies will be hitting on 5-6+ after moving. Finally, at short range you become very deadly indeed coming in with S4 shots hitting on 3+. And all this for 1 point more than the High Elf equivalent...you cant complain with those results!
The downsides are that you have 0 armour meaning you cant take much punishment especially when you are toughness 3. This has been made even worse in 8th since magic has had a bit of a boost meaning your armour-less archers become ideal targets and there is very little you can do to combat that.
When it comes to Glade Guard you want to keep them cheap since they are vulnerable and any ranged or magic attention will seriously hurt them. This means a command group is pretty pointless on the surface. Look deeper and you will see that they can be very helpful overall. Champions are pretty much useless, the extra +1 BS wont make much difference making him a waste of points. Musicians on the other hand are very good to have around. When a unit charges your glade guard fleeing is often a good tactic and the Musician will let you regroup. Finally the Standard Bearer...you dont want to be in combat so the +1 resolution is not needed however Blood and Glory (Mission) requires standards otherwise you automatically lose the game. Glade Guard are some of the only units able to take them so you might as well. Remember though, if you flee your standard bearer is killed so dont flee unless its ABSOLUTELY necessary. The other bonus is the ability to take a magic standard up to 25 points...which we will go into more detail in a moment.
My favorite way to use Glade Guard is to take a few units (3-4) of 10 glade guard usually with musician and possibly standard bearer. You have 3-4 mobile archer units that can just wreck havoc on the enemies lines. Cheap and effective. However you can opt to turn your cheap archers into very expensive Anvils. Taking units of 40-50+ in horde formation you get about 35 shots a turn, just before the enemy charges you reform into 5x10 formation stand and shoot and lock them in combat with steadfast leaving the enemy open for flank charges. You will want full command and probably a character with Rhymers Harp and maybe even a BSB in or nearby your unit. Its a good idea but i am not a big fan of it. My second favorite idea is to run a unit of 20 Glade Guard with the Banner of Eternal Flame probably with a hero packing the Hail of Doom Arrow. You have a rather mobile unit getting 20 flaming shots a turn making you ideal for taking down regenerating monsters, flammable targets and more importantly damaging units in buildings as you get Rerolls to wound when attacking such units. And having your noble throw out 3-18 shots with his arrow once per game also flaming you have some serious firepower. Have them supported by 2 units of 10 glade guard and your good to go. Optionally you can combine this tactic with the horde tactic mentioned earlier but that is up to you!
So far i have only mentioned Glade Guard, however for 5 points more you can upgrade them to scouts. Scouts lose their S4 bows however become skirmishers with the Scout special rule. They can take command options as usual but cant have more than 10 elves per unit and unfortunately you can only take 1 unit of scouts per unit of glade guard.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Being Skirmishers makes you much harder to hit with ranged attacks esspecially if you keep in cover (forests for example) making you a bit more survivable, you are also much more maneuverable thanks to being able to March and Shoot giving you a total range of 40" with no penalty when moving and shooting. Finally, with the scout rule you can deploy further up the field and use them as harassers, lone character assassins and war machine hunters.
Unfortunately they are very expensive to take, their bows are only S3, they still have no armour and are just not that effective in game. They are basically a poor mans Way Watchers who are ironically over priced scouts...when it comes to our scout units unfortunately they just don't perform as well as we would like (more on Way Watchers later!).
Lone Characters are common in fantasy whether it be a Mage trying to get into a key position, a character mounted on a flying mount or monster etc. Using your scouts you can get into a good position and use your high volume of fire to weaken or kill the target early before he causes trouble later on. War Machines are a bit issue for wood elves as we have very few reliable units able to handle them, scouts are a good way of taking them out thanks to their scout move and long ranged weaponry and maneuverability. Wizard Protection...believe it or not scouts make for good wizard body guards since they are so resilient to ranged attacks thanks to being skirmishers. A small unit of 5 can keep you wizard pretty safe throughout the game. Harassers, because they move 10" a turn and can still fire (accurately) they can run circles around larger infantry blocks and their is not much the enemy can do to stop you...using this to your advantage is key.
Glade Guard are almost a must have unit in any army (out side of a themed list) and scouts, whilst full of weaknesses can be used to achieve certain things...even if it is for a extortionate price!
Look out for more tactics!
I love Glade Guard both in game and in model terms. They look fantastic and when used right they can be devastating. They have a few special rules that let them hit targets from 3ft away, the most powerful long bows to name a few. You would be foolish to run an army without a solid core of Glade Guard in my opinion.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Being BS4 is the most obvious advantage they will be hitting most targets at short range on a 3+, but this by itself isn't that special compared to most other archers. What does make them superior is the ability to move and shoot without any penalty meaning you essentially have a 35" range and even at that range you are still hitting on 4+ when most armies will be hitting on 5-6+ after moving. Finally, at short range you become very deadly indeed coming in with S4 shots hitting on 3+. And all this for 1 point more than the High Elf equivalent...you cant complain with those results!
The downsides are that you have 0 armour meaning you cant take much punishment especially when you are toughness 3. This has been made even worse in 8th since magic has had a bit of a boost meaning your armour-less archers become ideal targets and there is very little you can do to combat that.
When it comes to Glade Guard you want to keep them cheap since they are vulnerable and any ranged or magic attention will seriously hurt them. This means a command group is pretty pointless on the surface. Look deeper and you will see that they can be very helpful overall. Champions are pretty much useless, the extra +1 BS wont make much difference making him a waste of points. Musicians on the other hand are very good to have around. When a unit charges your glade guard fleeing is often a good tactic and the Musician will let you regroup. Finally the Standard Bearer...you dont want to be in combat so the +1 resolution is not needed however Blood and Glory (Mission) requires standards otherwise you automatically lose the game. Glade Guard are some of the only units able to take them so you might as well. Remember though, if you flee your standard bearer is killed so dont flee unless its ABSOLUTELY necessary. The other bonus is the ability to take a magic standard up to 25 points...which we will go into more detail in a moment.
My favorite way to use Glade Guard is to take a few units (3-4) of 10 glade guard usually with musician and possibly standard bearer. You have 3-4 mobile archer units that can just wreck havoc on the enemies lines. Cheap and effective. However you can opt to turn your cheap archers into very expensive Anvils. Taking units of 40-50+ in horde formation you get about 35 shots a turn, just before the enemy charges you reform into 5x10 formation stand and shoot and lock them in combat with steadfast leaving the enemy open for flank charges. You will want full command and probably a character with Rhymers Harp and maybe even a BSB in or nearby your unit. Its a good idea but i am not a big fan of it. My second favorite idea is to run a unit of 20 Glade Guard with the Banner of Eternal Flame probably with a hero packing the Hail of Doom Arrow. You have a rather mobile unit getting 20 flaming shots a turn making you ideal for taking down regenerating monsters, flammable targets and more importantly damaging units in buildings as you get Rerolls to wound when attacking such units. And having your noble throw out 3-18 shots with his arrow once per game also flaming you have some serious firepower. Have them supported by 2 units of 10 glade guard and your good to go. Optionally you can combine this tactic with the horde tactic mentioned earlier but that is up to you!
So far i have only mentioned Glade Guard, however for 5 points more you can upgrade them to scouts. Scouts lose their S4 bows however become skirmishers with the Scout special rule. They can take command options as usual but cant have more than 10 elves per unit and unfortunately you can only take 1 unit of scouts per unit of glade guard.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Being Skirmishers makes you much harder to hit with ranged attacks esspecially if you keep in cover (forests for example) making you a bit more survivable, you are also much more maneuverable thanks to being able to March and Shoot giving you a total range of 40" with no penalty when moving and shooting. Finally, with the scout rule you can deploy further up the field and use them as harassers, lone character assassins and war machine hunters.
Unfortunately they are very expensive to take, their bows are only S3, they still have no armour and are just not that effective in game. They are basically a poor mans Way Watchers who are ironically over priced scouts...when it comes to our scout units unfortunately they just don't perform as well as we would like (more on Way Watchers later!).
Lone Characters are common in fantasy whether it be a Mage trying to get into a key position, a character mounted on a flying mount or monster etc. Using your scouts you can get into a good position and use your high volume of fire to weaken or kill the target early before he causes trouble later on. War Machines are a bit issue for wood elves as we have very few reliable units able to handle them, scouts are a good way of taking them out thanks to their scout move and long ranged weaponry and maneuverability. Wizard Protection...believe it or not scouts make for good wizard body guards since they are so resilient to ranged attacks thanks to being skirmishers. A small unit of 5 can keep you wizard pretty safe throughout the game. Harassers, because they move 10" a turn and can still fire (accurately) they can run circles around larger infantry blocks and their is not much the enemy can do to stop you...using this to your advantage is key.
Glade Guard are almost a must have unit in any army (out side of a themed list) and scouts, whilst full of weaknesses can be used to achieve certain things...even if it is for a extortionate price!
Look out for more tactics!
Glade Guard,
Wood Elves
Friday, 24 June 2011
Wood Elf Unit Tactics Part 3 - The Treeman Ancient
Hey guys and welcome to Part 3 of my Wood Elf Unit Tactics series, today we are looking at the Treeman Ancient.
How do you describe the Treeman Ancient in 1 word? Anvil. When it comes to survivability this guy everything we have access to and most other anvils in the game. As you might expect being a Treeman he is not only tough but very strong and when he comes in with 5 +D6 attacks he can take the pain and dish it in equal measure.
There are 2 things that seperate the Treeman Ancient from the regular Treeman:
How do you describe the Treeman Ancient in 1 word? Anvil. When it comes to survivability this guy everything we have access to and most other anvils in the game. As you might expect being a Treeman he is not only tough but very strong and when he comes in with 5 +D6 attacks he can take the pain and dish it in equal measure.
There are 2 things that seperate the Treeman Ancient from the regular Treeman:
- Leadership
- Spites
Spites are pretty average across the board (represented by the low points cost) however 2 spites really stand out and are almost must haves when taking your Ancient.
Cluster of Radiant's
A cheap item that literally gives you +1 Dispel dice per magic phase. This is the ONLY spite that Elves cannot take so when you have the opportunity to grab it you might as well! The added magic defense is a blessing especially for the cost.
Annoyance of Netlings
Often considered the most annoying item in Fantasy is the AoN. In a challenge your foe has a 1 in 6 chance of hitting you...this + high toughness means you are not going to be killed easily in a challenge and since you hit so hard in combat most things will then die seconds later. Whats more is, people will very often accept a challenge from an Ancient simply because they dont want their unit losing 6-11 models a turn in combat, and if they decline the challenge well their character simply wont be able to harm you that phase...its literally a win win situation.
*Tip: Never forget your overkill bonus! Just because a champion only has 1 wound, you can get up to +6 combat res for killing him! This can win you some combats!
Anvil Tactics
I have mentioned a few times that the Ancient is a great anvil, and as you might of guessed with AoN he becomes almost unstoppable. What makes him much better than many anvils is the fact he is Ld9 with Stubborn and immune to psychology. This means your Ancient will rarely, if ever, run from a combat, he is completely immune to fear and terror and he is Toughness 6 with 6 wounds.
Magic can help your ancient in many ways. Lore of Life for example has an attribute that heals 1 wound for ever life spell cast. Having your weaver near your ancient means without even focusing any attention on the ancient he can heal him back to full strength. Lore of Life also has a toughness increasing spell making him toughness 8-10 finally the lore of life has a dedicated healing spell that can heal your treeman from near death to unharmed in an instant.
The Lore of Beasts has a spell that increases Toughness up to 9 and another spell that boosts his Attacks to 8 + D6 and his Strength to 9 giving him loads of stopping power and a huge bonus to his offensive capabilities.
Even the Lore of Athel Loren can lend a hand when it comes to the Ancient. The Hidden Path in particular will make him immune to mundane shooting attacks...so the majority of ranged weaponry will simply be unable to harm him making him even hard to take down.
Hammer/Unit Support
The Ancient is a fantastic anvil but can also be used as an effective hammer unit since he gets a lot of high strength attacks (more with magic) and he causes terror which are all good things for a hammer. His unit support of course comes from not only his attacks but from his leadership. If he is your general he comes in with an 18" radius of Ld9 which is fantastic as you might imagine. And just to top it all off he has access to 2 Treesinging spells a turn and a powerful ranged attack which is not needed but an added extra.
So far there have been none. But everything has them hidden somewhere and the Ancient is not exception. He is very costly coming in at 350-375 points depending on Spites. Because magic is so dominant in 8th edition he will very likely be taking a seat until larger games of 2000 points and above. And being a Forest Spirit he is susceptible to flaming attack so be warned!
What a way to end the Lords and Heroes section of my tactics, the Ancient is by far my favorite Lord choice for wood elves simply because he such a unique character on the battlefield and can very easily become your enemies worst nightmare!
Look out for Part 4 where we will be looking at the Core units of our book. Until next time!
Wood Elf Unit Tactics Part 2 - Spellweavers and Spellsingers
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Not my model, image from: http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/mage/latest/03093#detail/IG_322_1 |
As their name implies these are our high and low level wizards and specialize in casting magic and are not really suited to front line combat like some of our other characters. Due to the lores of magic we have available they are mainly used as unit support rather than magic damage dealers, but lets take a deeper look shall we?
*Please note that i have done 2 magic tactics in regards to our lores, please read them for a more in depth look*
Spellsinger's are our low level wizards coming in at level 1 with the option to upgrade to level 2 in addition they can only take 50 points of magic items and/or spites and can only use spells from the Lore of Athel Loren. This limits their usefulness in battle as they dont have the magical prowess to tackle most armies alone, nor do they have the defensive measures to protect you from enemy wizards. This makes them poor primary wizards but makes them great for a secondary wizard to support your higher tier wizards.
Lore of Athel Loren
This lore is often considered the biggest downfall of the Spellsinger and when compared to the other lores of magic our stronger wizards can take, its hard not to disagree. However there are a few spells that deserve special mention that are great to have in just about any army. Spellsinging is our signature spell and gives you D3+1" movement of forests and causes damage to any unit that is within a forest. A nice spell and certainly worth taking (check out my forest tactics). The Hidden Path grants immunity to mundane shooting attacks which is very effective when you want a fragile unit and/or an expensive unit to get to the enemy without being shot to pieces. Ariels Blessing grants regeneration similar to the Lore of Lifes only better as it can be cast on any unit as opposed to just the unit your caster is in. And call of hunt which increases mobility and attack potential. If you take a level 2 wizard you will nearly always want treesinging (if you plan to use forest tactics) and 1 of the mentioned spells above. This gives you some good strong magic that you can cast in conjunction with your level 4.
Items of worth
There are not many items worth taking for a Spellsinger as you dont want them to become to expensive however 1 or 2 items are certainly viable:
- Wraitstone: An expensive item, but useful none the less. This reduces all enemy units within 6" leadership by 1. This is great for getting that extra edge in combat and making your enemy pass those break, terror, fear and panic checks.
- Moonstone of Hidden Ways: Teleport between 2 forests once per game...great item letting you set up ambushes or escape a dire situation unharmed.
- Calingor's Stave: Lets you move forests further per cast which is certainly a good thing. This is one of those items that you would never put on a spellweaver but has a nice home on a low level singer.
- The Deepwood Sphere: A nasty piece of equipment that lets you reroll the distance forests move, the damage caused by treesinging and to add insult to injury every enemy model in the same forest as the bearer suffers a S5 hit...this is just a nasty item that can really damage an unsuspecting enemy. This is my No.1 items for Spellsinger's.
- A Lamentation of Despairs: A cheap one use only bound spell that can instantly kill an unsuspecting general, wizard etc. It isn't very reliable but cheap enough to combo with other items.
These are our powerhouse casters, and whilst not as potent as other races they do add some much needed magic to your army keeping your army fighting fit throughout the battle. Weavers come in at Level 3 and have the option to upgrade to level 4, have 100 points to spend on additional equipment and/or spites and have access to the lores of Athel Loren, Life and Beasts. In most games you should be bringing a level 4 wizard just for the anti magic defense they provide as our army is especially weak to offensive magic (magic missiles are a common bane).
Lore of Athel Loren
Perfect for a Singer...its not so good for your Weavers. The spells may be good but they don't really match up with the power of the other lores so not really suited for your already disadvantaged wizard. If you bring 2 Weavers then this lore is certainly viable but certainly not if this is your only level 4 wizard.
Lore of Life
The most common lore taken by wood elf players simply because of its awesome unit buffing properties. It lets you regenerate, increase toughness and raise the dead as well as containing one of the most feared spells in the game Dwellers...This lore is simply perfect for wood elves and is esspecially effective when used on Forest Spirits (toughness 6-8 Dryads? YES PLEASE).
Lore of Beasts
Another heavy buff lore this one is nearly all about increasing the damage potential. Whilst it contains some damage based spells its real power comes in the form of Wyssans Wildform, Pann's Impenetrable Pelt and Savage Beast of Horros. Wyssans is my favorite Signature spell in the game as it boost strength and toughness of a unit and can be stacked and spammed allowing you to make some truly devastating units in combat. Pann's is great for buffing your weak characters (aka all our characters) by making them Toughness 6. It just adds that extra bit of survivability and when added to a Treeman Ancient you have an unstoppable anvil. However Savage Beast takes the cake, +3 attacks +3 Strength and can be cast on evey character within 12". Remember those Highborns i talked about last time? This spell makes them EVEN more powerful. Some examples being the Ranged character with bow of lore + arcane bodkins. He now gets 8 shots that ignores armour, Ragfire Blades + Potion of foolhardiness would be hitting with 10 S7 attacks...heck even Treeman Ancients benefit greatly coming in with 8 S9 attacks and D6 thunderstomp attacks. Those 3 spells make this lore worth considering and depending on your army and play style this could be more beneficial than Life.
Items of Worth
A small list of worthwhile items not yet mentioned:
- The Rhymers Harp: Grants ward saves and allows the unit to move through difficult terrain unhindered...expensive but very useful
- Wand of the Wych Elm: Allows you to reroll all dispel attempts...anyone can see the benefits of this item
- Talisman of Preservation: Gives the bearer a 4++ ward save making you harder to kill when those assassins come after you!
- Divination Orb: Extra dispel dice when the enemy uses a certain number of power dice to cast a spell...cheap and effective.
- Book of Ashur: +1 to casting and dispel attempts...its worth considering. It is rather expensive however.
Hope this helps you when you come to deciding your wizards...just remember that even though Singers are inferior to Weavers they still have a place in armies and should not be overlooked!
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Wood Elf Unit Tactics Part 1 - Highborns and Nobles
Welcome to the first entry in the Wood Elves Unit Tactics. Today we will be looking at Highborn's and nobles.
A Highborn/Noble can fill many roles on the battlefield since he has a fantastic statline, some great wargear and a rock solid leadership. Whether you want a 1 hit pony Assassin, Unit Support, High Damage Dealer or Tank the Highborn/Noble will be able to fill these roles pretty well.
Wood Elves can suffer greatly if exposed to Monsters, Wizards and Warmachines luckily for us we have some really powerful character builds that help tip the balance in our favor and put us down the road to victory. The idea behind an Assassin is to hit a key target and kill it in the first round of combat because chances are you will only get one shot and if you mess up your dead. Due to the risk involved in running such characters Highborns are rarely used, and the cheaper Nobles tend to make up the Assassin builds ranks. To succeed as an Assassin you need both hitting power and mobility. The key to mobility is to either be Altered or ride a Great Eagle, here are some ideas:
Alter Assassins
*Remember Alter Kindred gives you +1 attack, M9 and I9
Alter Kindred
Helm of the Hunt
Rageths Wildfire Blades
Potion of Strength/Potion of Foolhardiness
This guy packs a mighty punch and is one hell of a monster slayer. If you take the Potion of Strength (slightly more expensive) you are coming in with 6 S7 Flaming Attacks. This is brutal against just about anything but especially against Wizards and Monsters. Since you are negating regeneration you will really pile on the hurt when fighting things like Trolls, Hell Pits, Hydras or regenerating characters, you are also very effective at taking out Flammable units such as Tomb Kings/Princes and Treemen. If you take the Potion of Foolhardiness you get 7 S4 Flaming Attacks however you are also immune to psychology when you charge which means the bigger monsters which would cause terror wont effect you so whilst you sacrifice raw hitting power you gain extra attacks and don't run the risk of crapping your pants when you come to charge!
A Highborn/Noble can fill many roles on the battlefield since he has a fantastic statline, some great wargear and a rock solid leadership. Whether you want a 1 hit pony Assassin, Unit Support, High Damage Dealer or Tank the Highborn/Noble will be able to fill these roles pretty well.
Wood Elves can suffer greatly if exposed to Monsters, Wizards and Warmachines luckily for us we have some really powerful character builds that help tip the balance in our favor and put us down the road to victory. The idea behind an Assassin is to hit a key target and kill it in the first round of combat because chances are you will only get one shot and if you mess up your dead. Due to the risk involved in running such characters Highborns are rarely used, and the cheaper Nobles tend to make up the Assassin builds ranks. To succeed as an Assassin you need both hitting power and mobility. The key to mobility is to either be Altered or ride a Great Eagle, here are some ideas:
Alter Assassins
*Remember Alter Kindred gives you +1 attack, M9 and I9
Alter Kindred
Helm of the Hunt
Rageths Wildfire Blades
Potion of Strength/Potion of Foolhardiness
This guy packs a mighty punch and is one hell of a monster slayer. If you take the Potion of Strength (slightly more expensive) you are coming in with 6 S7 Flaming Attacks. This is brutal against just about anything but especially against Wizards and Monsters. Since you are negating regeneration you will really pile on the hurt when fighting things like Trolls, Hell Pits, Hydras or regenerating characters, you are also very effective at taking out Flammable units such as Tomb Kings/Princes and Treemen. If you take the Potion of Foolhardiness you get 7 S4 Flaming Attacks however you are also immune to psychology when you charge which means the bigger monsters which would cause terror wont effect you so whilst you sacrifice raw hitting power you gain extra attacks and don't run the risk of crapping your pants when you come to charge!
Alter Highborn
Sword of Bloodshed
Helm of the Hunt
Potion of Strength
This guy comes in with 9 Strength 7 attacks...he is devastating when he first gets into combat and should be able to take out just about any character he comes across. Not quite as effective as the ragfire combo against monsters but when it comes to slaughtering characters this guy is your man in most cases.
Alter Kindred
Spirit Sword
This guy is VERY risky. When he works he works very well, when he doesn't...well...you really doesn't. His sword lets him instant kill just about anything in the game...however it has a chance of instantly killing you if it doesnt work right. None the less you have 4 S4 attacks and you have the potential to kill anything...
Alter Kindred
Spirit Sword
Amber Pendant
Potion of Foolhardiness
A much more expensive version of the noble but also a bit more powerful. Your sword obviously is the same but with a higher leadership it is going to be killing your foe more often than yourself. Your potion gives you an extra attack (so 6 over all) and your pendant makes it so all enemies in base contact strike last...very good when your trying to assassinate high elves! He is more expensive, more reliable but oddly more risky at the same time.
Eagle Assassins
* Remember that an eagle grants you +1 wound and +2 S4 attacks and a S4 Stomp attack on infantry
Eagle assassins are a little different from you alter assassins. Alters generally go after characters or monsters and take them out whilst the eagle is much more suited for tackling warmachines thanks you increased movement.
Great Eagle
Hail of Doom Arrow
Light Armour
This is a pretty bare bones eagle assassin, and that's all your really need. Your eagle gives you some extra combat punch so buying extravagant weapons is overkill in most cases so paying for some cheap armour to give you some defense is preferable and having the HoDA you have some something to do turn one.
As you might expect alter kindred builds work very well with eagle builds but be warned an eagle is a much more attractive target and does not have the staying power to take a cannon ball or a few arrows...be warned!
Damage Dealers
Damage dealers excel at...you guessed it...DEALING DAMAGE! Similar to the assassin, but instead of being a 1 trick pony you want him to deal consistent damage over the course of the game as opposed to insane damage then death.
Ranged Death Dealers
These guys basically wreak havoc from a range.
Asyendi's Bane
Hail of Doom Arrow
Re-rolling his misses with standard shots his trump card is his explosive 3D6 S4 arrows he gets to unleash once per game...granted his bow doesn't work when you fire the arrows he is still doing some damage...or at least has the potential to do some damage to the lightly armored troops.
Alter Kindred (optional)
Bow of Loren
Arcane Bodkins
Briarsheath (if Alter)
This guy is THE bane of all things heavily armored. Packing 4-5 (depending on altered or not) armor ignoring shots a turn...he can potentially take down a unit of knights single handed which is fantastic considering we dont have much that can do that reliably. Briarsheath is only useful if you are altered because it makes it harder for enemies to shoot at you...always a positive!
Alter Kindred (optional)
Bow of Loren
Starfire Arrows
Briarsheath (if Alter)
This is almost identical to the build before however it serves a different purpose! Spamming panic. Whilst not as effective overall as other builds it can be very detrimental to some armies (Goblin Hordes for example) as every wound you inflict on a unit results in a PANIC CHECK!!!! So if your foe is out of range of a BSB and/or general there is a chance he could flee the moment you set your eyes on him... isn't that just grand?
Combat Death Dealers
Kill things up close and personal...
Sword of Might
Helm of the Hunt
Potion of Foolhardiness
Light Armour
Sort of like an assassin but not quite. 5 S5 attacks on the charge gives you a nice little kick to your combat offensive. Cheap and effective at dealing damage and supporting your units in the thick of combat. Whats not to like?
Forest Dragon
Stone of Crystal Mere
The Dawn Spear
Armour of Fortune
This guy is a bit of a beast. He has a 3+ Armour Save, 3++ ward save for him and his dragon until it is failed once, and then a 5++ ward save for himself and if he wounds a unit, everyone in the unit is at -1 to hit ANY unit for a turn. Add to this the dragons attacks, breathe weapon and thunderstomp and you have some serious damage potential. Just makes sure he is supported by something since you don't want to loose your super expensive dragon lord! (I would keep this guy until 3000 points and above).
To be honest there are not many ways of tanking (holding an enemy up) with Highborn's themselves as we only have toughness 3 and are not known for their high armour. We can however make our units into effective tanks using the Crown of Command granting stubborn to the unit he is in. You can essentially place this character into any unit and they will become very hard to shift (when mounted on a Stag in a unit of treekin for example).
Unit Support
These guys are not really meant to be dealing damage...they have other uses that are arguable more useful!
Battle Standard Bearer
This guy literally has a bubble of awesome following him around. Anyone in this 12" bubble gets rerolls to failed leadership tests which means our army is much harder to break! Whats not to like about that?!?! Having your general within the same radius makes this even better.
Moonstone Users
Certain units benefit greatly from the Moonstone of Hidden Paths...basically it teleports a unit from 1 forest to another...this lets you lay some cunning ambushes and REALLY supports units such as Wild Riders and Wardancers. Something to think about.
These are just some of the ideas you can use when designing your Highborn or Noble, these may not be the best but are my personal favorites when going to battle! Just because Wizards rule the roost doesnt mean we cant use these wonderful units to great effect!
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Fluff Report: Wood Elves Vs High Elves 2000 Points REMATCH
Hey guys, Azeebo here
So i posted my latest battle report a few minutes ago and wrote it all up in FLUFF earlier this week. Thought i would share with you my first and only draft. Hope you enjoy.
A warm breeze gently blows through the trees and vines, shrubs and bushes, spirits and spites darting between the branches fading in and out of reality in a blink of an eye. Only the creaking of ancient trees and the sounds of the wild life that inhabit Athel Loren break the eerie silence.
Heavy footsteps echo through the forest, clanging mail and hushed whispers disturbing the delicate balance of Athel Loren. War had entered the forest and the warm breeze quickly turned into a howling gale that turned blood to ice. The gentle creaking and calm sounds turned into loud crashing and terrifying screams as the intruders entered the sacred glade.
Iorveth stood atop one of the countless trees watching the intruders march through his home, they heralded from Ulthan…his power hungry cousins have no place here. Within a heart beat he had moved from his position and had began his trek back to the Dark Oak. His heart was pounding; sweat pouring down his face he had to be careful where he tread as even the Asrai have to be ever watchful when the forest becomes hostile. Paths he once knew had changed and making his way back home took twice as long as the forest was moving to intercept the threat. Finally he emerged from the black and into a small clearing where a blackened and scarred tree stood tall.
“Iorveth! You have returned earlier that expected. What has happened?” said a woman’s soft voice
“Forgive me Rhaine, I bring news from the boarder. Asur have entered the forest, we must act!” Iorveths tone was assertive but undeniably aggressive towards the Spell Weaver.
“How many march on sacred soil?” Rhaine was clearly hesitant
“120 heavily armed and armoured elves, heavy cavalry from Caledor and I spotted a great eagle flying above them.”
“There are to many for us to handle. They triple us in number, we require the aid of other kinbands in order to triumph.”
“There is no time for this! You expect me to sit around and watch as my home is burned and pillaged for trinkets? You want me to watch as my kin die? Even if it is a losing fight we at least tried to stop their advance! It is better to die on the battlefield than die cowering in our homes.” Iorveths eyes were ablaze with passion
“Watch your tongue! I will not have us march against the Asur in a vain attempt at stopping their advance. No your place!” Rhaines hands erupted with a green light, an aura of power surrounding her body.
“Now now children, there is no need to bicker. The enemy out number you but you forget, spring is approaching and we are waking up. March to war and we will follow…” A dark voice pierced the minds of the elves.
“Mor Brethil, I thank you for your aid” Iorveth bowed before the venerable Branchwraith. “Now if you would excuse me ladies, I have a war to wage.”
Army Lists
Wood Elves
Rhaine Dîs En Taurë (Bride of the Forest)
Level Four Wizard (Life)
Ioveth Dûr Rana (The Dark Wanderer)
Scout Kindred
Hand Weapon
The Bow of Loren
Arcane Bodkins
Mor Brethil (Black Birch)
Cluster of Radiance
10 Glade Guard
10 Glade Guard
10 Glade Guard
10 Dryads
10 Dryads
6 Tree Kin
Oakcrest Avari Maethor (Unwilling Warrior)
6 Waywatchers
High Elves
Eistia Vanwa Galad / TECLIS (The Lost Light)
Ellyan Tûr En Menel (Master of the Heavens)
Hand Weapon
Heavy Armour
Helm of Fortune
The Skeinsliver
Great Eagle
50 Spearmen
20 Sword Masters of Hoeth
Standard Bearer
Banner of Sorcery
20 Sword Masters of Hoeth
Standard Bearer
10 Dragon Princes of Caledor
The Asrai forces set up position, shrouded by trees and the cover of darkness. The Asur had set up camp in an abandoned Watchtower, Brettonian in make. The time had come for war.
Iorveth signaled to Rhaine and she began the ritual. Her hands erupted with energy, runes became scorched into the earth and she began speaking in an ancient tongue none could understand. Within seconds the forest began to move, it revealed the wood elves to their unprepared foes, elf and forest spirit standing side by side ready to defend their sacred homes.
"Let the battle commence" Muttered Iorveth
Iorveth's elite unit of Way Watchers broke from their forward position dancing through the forest nimbly avoiding the treacherous poison covered thorns that scattered the earth. He had clear sights on the Noble on eagle. He had not taken to the skies yet...he was vulnerable. Loading his Bow he fired 4 arcane arrows at the fledgling lord and before he knew what was happening 4 feathered tip were protruding from his chest blood leaking from his mouth he fell off his steed drawing his last breathe. Looking around he saw his army advancing towards the enemy. A wave of whistling arrows flew through the air and the sounds of screaming made all but the sturdiest of elf wince in pain.
Iorveth felt a cold chill run down his spine and a vortex of pure magical energy had been unleashed. Looking to his right he saw a chain of lightning strike a treeman before leaping through dryads. Before he knew it, it was heading towards him. He dove from his perch and into the cold earth just in time to see his brethern burned alive by the magical surge. He let a tear run down his cheek as across the battlefield it tore through his glade guard like they were made of butter. It was certain whoever cast that spell was well versed in the winds of magic. Just as he thought it was safe another bolt of lightning struck heavily wounding his treeman.
As the etheral mist from the spell vanished the Asur were on the march heading towards his weakened lines. Calling out to Rhaine he ordered the army to charge. They could not hold against such a torrent of raw magical power. To the west the gnarled forms of the Treekin smashed heavily into the high elf ranks supported by the beautiful yet deadly Dryads. Facing the might of the forest the elves ran for their lives however Athel Loren was no known for mercy and they were cut down in mid retreat.
Iorveth staggered out of the woods, injured but alive. He saw the famed dragon princes of Caledor in the distance. Looking to his right he was his army coming to aid him...he knew they would fail in that task. He let fly his arrows and struck down half the unit, they changed direction and charged towards him. Saying a prayer to Isha he loosed another volley of arrows slaying many. The remnants of the unit ran the elf through with lances and crushed his body with barded hoof.
Rhaine winced in pain as she saw her dear Iorveth cut down before her eyes. Mustering all her might she let out a battle cry and arrows errupted from the forest striking many an elf down. Roused by the Spellweavers call the ancient treeman charged into the ranks of the dragon princes and crushed them under root. The Asrai were making good progress, all that was left was the Watchtower...heavily defended and housing the infernal mage. Before Rhaine could put up a counter ward lightning once again leaped through the ranks of the elves slaying many leaving only charred remains in its wake.
The remnats of her army prepared to charge the tower, the fury of Dryad, Treekin and Treeman would tear the structure down and destroy the inhabitants. Victory was hers. As they rushed to the final battle a ball of fire, crashed down upon the bloodied soil exploding in a fiery inferno. Dryads and Treemen were turned to ash in an instant and elves were set alight and screaming in agony. The manic laugh of their wizard could be heard through the ear piercing explosion. All she had left was a few Treekin who escaped the explosion. Weaving a mighty incantation the treekin charged. From the soil errupted more treekin to join their ranks. By the time fighting broke out 6 stood where there was 3. The mighty bretton tower was turned to rubble in a matter of minutes, not a single elf survived the onslaught.
Rhaine rushed to the fallen body of Iorveth. His battered form bringing a tear to her eyes. Marking a rune on his forehead she stood and watched as the sprouted vines and roots and entangled his body and began to carry him back to the black oak where he will lie for eternity in the crypts. As Rhaine left the field of battle she cancelled her ritual and the forest that had moved to let battle ensue once again claimed the clearing as its own. Light faded and all was silent again.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as i did writing and playing it!
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So i posted my latest battle report a few minutes ago and wrote it all up in FLUFF earlier this week. Thought i would share with you my first and only draft. Hope you enjoy.
A warm breeze gently blows through the trees and vines, shrubs and bushes, spirits and spites darting between the branches fading in and out of reality in a blink of an eye. Only the creaking of ancient trees and the sounds of the wild life that inhabit Athel Loren break the eerie silence.
Heavy footsteps echo through the forest, clanging mail and hushed whispers disturbing the delicate balance of Athel Loren. War had entered the forest and the warm breeze quickly turned into a howling gale that turned blood to ice. The gentle creaking and calm sounds turned into loud crashing and terrifying screams as the intruders entered the sacred glade.
Iorveth stood atop one of the countless trees watching the intruders march through his home, they heralded from Ulthan…his power hungry cousins have no place here. Within a heart beat he had moved from his position and had began his trek back to the Dark Oak. His heart was pounding; sweat pouring down his face he had to be careful where he tread as even the Asrai have to be ever watchful when the forest becomes hostile. Paths he once knew had changed and making his way back home took twice as long as the forest was moving to intercept the threat. Finally he emerged from the black and into a small clearing where a blackened and scarred tree stood tall.
“Iorveth! You have returned earlier that expected. What has happened?” said a woman’s soft voice
“Forgive me Rhaine, I bring news from the boarder. Asur have entered the forest, we must act!” Iorveths tone was assertive but undeniably aggressive towards the Spell Weaver.
“How many march on sacred soil?” Rhaine was clearly hesitant
“120 heavily armed and armoured elves, heavy cavalry from Caledor and I spotted a great eagle flying above them.”
“There are to many for us to handle. They triple us in number, we require the aid of other kinbands in order to triumph.”
“There is no time for this! You expect me to sit around and watch as my home is burned and pillaged for trinkets? You want me to watch as my kin die? Even if it is a losing fight we at least tried to stop their advance! It is better to die on the battlefield than die cowering in our homes.” Iorveths eyes were ablaze with passion
“Watch your tongue! I will not have us march against the Asur in a vain attempt at stopping their advance. No your place!” Rhaines hands erupted with a green light, an aura of power surrounding her body.
“Now now children, there is no need to bicker. The enemy out number you but you forget, spring is approaching and we are waking up. March to war and we will follow…” A dark voice pierced the minds of the elves.
“Mor Brethil, I thank you for your aid” Iorveth bowed before the venerable Branchwraith. “Now if you would excuse me ladies, I have a war to wage.”
Army Lists
Wood Elves
Rhaine Dîs En Taurë (Bride of the Forest)
Level Four Wizard (Life)
Ioveth Dûr Rana (The Dark Wanderer)
Scout Kindred
Hand Weapon
The Bow of Loren
Arcane Bodkins
Mor Brethil (Black Birch)
Cluster of Radiance
10 Glade Guard
10 Glade Guard
10 Glade Guard
10 Dryads
10 Dryads
6 Tree Kin
Oakcrest Avari Maethor (Unwilling Warrior)
6 Waywatchers
High Elves
Eistia Vanwa Galad / TECLIS (The Lost Light)
Ellyan Tûr En Menel (Master of the Heavens)
Hand Weapon
Heavy Armour
Helm of Fortune
The Skeinsliver
Great Eagle
50 Spearmen
20 Sword Masters of Hoeth
Standard Bearer
Banner of Sorcery
20 Sword Masters of Hoeth
Standard Bearer
10 Dragon Princes of Caledor
The Asrai forces set up position, shrouded by trees and the cover of darkness. The Asur had set up camp in an abandoned Watchtower, Brettonian in make. The time had come for war.
Iorveth signaled to Rhaine and she began the ritual. Her hands erupted with energy, runes became scorched into the earth and she began speaking in an ancient tongue none could understand. Within seconds the forest began to move, it revealed the wood elves to their unprepared foes, elf and forest spirit standing side by side ready to defend their sacred homes.
"Let the battle commence" Muttered Iorveth
Iorveth's elite unit of Way Watchers broke from their forward position dancing through the forest nimbly avoiding the treacherous poison covered thorns that scattered the earth. He had clear sights on the Noble on eagle. He had not taken to the skies yet...he was vulnerable. Loading his Bow he fired 4 arcane arrows at the fledgling lord and before he knew what was happening 4 feathered tip were protruding from his chest blood leaking from his mouth he fell off his steed drawing his last breathe. Looking around he saw his army advancing towards the enemy. A wave of whistling arrows flew through the air and the sounds of screaming made all but the sturdiest of elf wince in pain.
Iorveth felt a cold chill run down his spine and a vortex of pure magical energy had been unleashed. Looking to his right he saw a chain of lightning strike a treeman before leaping through dryads. Before he knew it, it was heading towards him. He dove from his perch and into the cold earth just in time to see his brethern burned alive by the magical surge. He let a tear run down his cheek as across the battlefield it tore through his glade guard like they were made of butter. It was certain whoever cast that spell was well versed in the winds of magic. Just as he thought it was safe another bolt of lightning struck heavily wounding his treeman.
As the etheral mist from the spell vanished the Asur were on the march heading towards his weakened lines. Calling out to Rhaine he ordered the army to charge. They could not hold against such a torrent of raw magical power. To the west the gnarled forms of the Treekin smashed heavily into the high elf ranks supported by the beautiful yet deadly Dryads. Facing the might of the forest the elves ran for their lives however Athel Loren was no known for mercy and they were cut down in mid retreat.
Iorveth staggered out of the woods, injured but alive. He saw the famed dragon princes of Caledor in the distance. Looking to his right he was his army coming to aid him...he knew they would fail in that task. He let fly his arrows and struck down half the unit, they changed direction and charged towards him. Saying a prayer to Isha he loosed another volley of arrows slaying many. The remnants of the unit ran the elf through with lances and crushed his body with barded hoof.
Rhaine winced in pain as she saw her dear Iorveth cut down before her eyes. Mustering all her might she let out a battle cry and arrows errupted from the forest striking many an elf down. Roused by the Spellweavers call the ancient treeman charged into the ranks of the dragon princes and crushed them under root. The Asrai were making good progress, all that was left was the Watchtower...heavily defended and housing the infernal mage. Before Rhaine could put up a counter ward lightning once again leaped through the ranks of the elves slaying many leaving only charred remains in its wake.
The remnats of her army prepared to charge the tower, the fury of Dryad, Treekin and Treeman would tear the structure down and destroy the inhabitants. Victory was hers. As they rushed to the final battle a ball of fire, crashed down upon the bloodied soil exploding in a fiery inferno. Dryads and Treemen were turned to ash in an instant and elves were set alight and screaming in agony. The manic laugh of their wizard could be heard through the ear piercing explosion. All she had left was a few Treekin who escaped the explosion. Weaving a mighty incantation the treekin charged. From the soil errupted more treekin to join their ranks. By the time fighting broke out 6 stood where there was 3. The mighty bretton tower was turned to rubble in a matter of minutes, not a single elf survived the onslaught.
Rhaine rushed to the fallen body of Iorveth. His battered form bringing a tear to her eyes. Marking a rune on his forehead she stood and watched as the sprouted vines and roots and entangled his body and began to carry him back to the black oak where he will lie for eternity in the crypts. As Rhaine left the field of battle she cancelled her ritual and the forest that had moved to let battle ensue once again claimed the clearing as its own. Light faded and all was silent again.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as i did writing and playing it!
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Battle Report: Wood Elves Vs High Elves 2000 Points REMATCH
Hey guys, Azeebo here
So, i posted my 1st battle report earlier this week and now i post the rematch! Last game was close, this game proves to be EVEN closer! Once again, we lack terrain but we have an extra wood this game so it is increasing albeit a bit slowly! The High Elf list has more than 2000 points this game however we both wanted to see how powerful Teclis REALLY was...not a good idea in hindsight!
Army Lists
Wood Elves
Spell Weaver
Level Four Wizard + Lore of Life
Scout Kindred
The Bow of Loren
Arcane Bodkins
Branch Wraith
Cluster of Radiant's
10 Glade Guard
10 Glade Guard
10 Glade Guard
10 Dryads
10 Dryads
6 Treekin
6 Way Watchers
High Elves
Great Eagle
Heavy Armour
Helm of Fortune
The Skeinsliver
50 Spearmen
Full Command
Lion Standard
20 Sword Masters
Full Command
Banner of Sorcery
20 Sword Masters
Full Command
10 Dragon Princes
Once again we were playing Watchtower but with a few alternations. The tower starts in your deployment zone not in the center of the battlefield. Whoever holds the tower at the end of the game wins. Simple.
As you can see i deployed rather wide this game, i was expecting her to deploy her forces close to the tower for a defensive game but as you can see that was not the case. My treeman + Dryads + branch wraith are on the left flank, my glade guard take up center field and my 2nd unit of Dryads + my Treekin are on the right flank. My Way Watchers scouted the center forest.
Her deployment was decent. She placed her anvil/eagle noble and her dragon princes on the left flank allowing her to effectively hold and potentially destroy my Treeman and dryads. A unit of sword masters + Teclis occupied the tower and her big block of spear men and sword masters took up the right flank which was a good idea as that was my strongest flank and she placed her toughest units there.
Turn One
Wood Elves
Turn one went well for me. My left flank shifted to the center field to use the forest as a deterrent for the dragon princes whilst my glade guard and right flank moved forwards to get into a better position. I managed to cast Throne of Vines in my magic phase but that was all i managed to squeeze in. Shooting went very well, my glade guard killed 2 spearmen but my Highborn fired at the Noble on Great Eagle with his 4 armour ignoring shots and killed him out right! A major blow so early in the game.
High Elves
High Elves
Her Dragon Princes charge my highborn but his bow downs 3 more of them before they reach him. Magic saw more drayds and more wounds on my treeman from chain lightning and a thunder bolt wiped out a unit of glade guard. Combat saw my lord die to the princes who then reform and my dryads on the right flank lose 5 of their number but manage to kill 7 resulting in a tie combat.
Turn Three
Wood Elves
A mixed bag of a turn. My dryads and treeman charge her dragon princes, my treekin reform to charge the tower and my glade guard move into better shooting positions. I cast flesh to stone on my treekin boosting them to toughness 9 and let fly a few arrows killing off a few of the tower defenders. My treeman and dryads crush all but 1 dragon prince who flees, i chase him towards the tower but don't catch him. As expected my dryads flee from static res this turn and the sword masters reform to rear charge my super tough treekin in the rear.
High Elves
Her sword masters rear charge my treekin and her dragon prince rallies...then magic is unleashed once again. She kills all but 1 of the dryads on the left flank and wounds my treeman again then she places 2 tokens down for comet of casandora where it could likely engulf both armies entirely...suicidal maniac! Luckily combat was in my favor as she failed to wound my treekin who killed 6 of them in return and reformed to face them to finish them off next turn.
Turn Four
Wood Elves
Wanting to finish the game before that comet lands i charge everything i had into watchtower...then of course the comet lands and explodes a monstrous 14" and wipes out just about everything i have. It deals some damage to her tower defenders but i suffer the most. On the plus side however my treekin kill her sword masters to a man and prepare to charge!
High Elves
In a last ditch effort she blasts my unit with chain lightning and thunder bolt to finish me off but to no avail. Knowing that i would charge next turn and win overall she throws in the towel and calls it a day.
A great game...i thought i was going to get hammered after the impact she had turn 1 but with a bit of good luck i managed to pull through in the end...phew.
Leave comments etc.
So, i posted my 1st battle report earlier this week and now i post the rematch! Last game was close, this game proves to be EVEN closer! Once again, we lack terrain but we have an extra wood this game so it is increasing albeit a bit slowly! The High Elf list has more than 2000 points this game however we both wanted to see how powerful Teclis REALLY was...not a good idea in hindsight!
Army Lists
Wood Elves
Spell Weaver
Level Four Wizard + Lore of Life
Scout Kindred
The Bow of Loren
Arcane Bodkins
Branch Wraith
Cluster of Radiant's
10 Glade Guard
10 Glade Guard
10 Glade Guard
10 Dryads
10 Dryads
6 Treekin
6 Way Watchers
High Elves
Great Eagle
Heavy Armour
Helm of Fortune
The Skeinsliver
50 Spearmen
Full Command
Lion Standard
20 Sword Masters
Full Command
Banner of Sorcery
20 Sword Masters
Full Command
10 Dragon Princes
Once again we were playing Watchtower but with a few alternations. The tower starts in your deployment zone not in the center of the battlefield. Whoever holds the tower at the end of the game wins. Simple.
As you can see i deployed rather wide this game, i was expecting her to deploy her forces close to the tower for a defensive game but as you can see that was not the case. My treeman + Dryads + branch wraith are on the left flank, my glade guard take up center field and my 2nd unit of Dryads + my Treekin are on the right flank. My Way Watchers scouted the center forest.
Her deployment was decent. She placed her anvil/eagle noble and her dragon princes on the left flank allowing her to effectively hold and potentially destroy my Treeman and dryads. A unit of sword masters + Teclis occupied the tower and her big block of spear men and sword masters took up the right flank which was a good idea as that was my strongest flank and she placed her toughest units there.
Turn One
Wood Elves
Turn one went well for me. My left flank shifted to the center field to use the forest as a deterrent for the dragon princes whilst my glade guard and right flank moved forwards to get into a better position. I managed to cast Throne of Vines in my magic phase but that was all i managed to squeeze in. Shooting went very well, my glade guard killed 2 spearmen but my Highborn fired at the Noble on Great Eagle with his 4 armour ignoring shots and killed him out right! A major blow so early in the game.
High Elves
Her dragon princes moved to cover the center opening for my left flank to get through whilst her spear men moved forwards and her sword masters prepared a flank charge for future turns. Magic...well...magic was amazing. Teclis had the lore of heavens and cast chain lightning on my Treeman....it did a wound jumped to the dryads killed 5 jumped to the way watchers kill 5, jumped again to the glade guard killing 6, 5 then 1 before leaping to the Treekin and dealing no damage and stopping. She then used Thunderbolt and wounded my Treeman again. In 1 magic phase she eliminated half of my army...and i thought i had a good turn 1!
Turn Two
Wood Elves
After that devastating hit from Teclis i decide to play it risky. I could not afford to wait around and be sneaky, not when she had so much power at her disposal. I successfully double team her spear men with my treekin and dryads however my left flank attempt to charge her dragon princes to no avail. My highborn moves out the woods and my glade guard shimmy a bit. My shooting phase went well with my highborn killing 3 of the dragon princes and my weakened glade guard killing 5 sword masters camping in the tower. Not bad! Combat went extremely well, her spear men couldnt even dent my treekin or dryads and the resulting onslaught killed 15 of them in return. Despite steadfast they flee and my treekin catch them. My dryads over run into the sword masters which is something i didn't really want to happen.High Elves
Her Dragon Princes charge my highborn but his bow downs 3 more of them before they reach him. Magic saw more drayds and more wounds on my treeman from chain lightning and a thunder bolt wiped out a unit of glade guard. Combat saw my lord die to the princes who then reform and my dryads on the right flank lose 5 of their number but manage to kill 7 resulting in a tie combat.
Turn Three
Wood Elves
A mixed bag of a turn. My dryads and treeman charge her dragon princes, my treekin reform to charge the tower and my glade guard move into better shooting positions. I cast flesh to stone on my treekin boosting them to toughness 9 and let fly a few arrows killing off a few of the tower defenders. My treeman and dryads crush all but 1 dragon prince who flees, i chase him towards the tower but don't catch him. As expected my dryads flee from static res this turn and the sword masters reform to rear charge my super tough treekin in the rear.
High Elves
Her sword masters rear charge my treekin and her dragon prince rallies...then magic is unleashed once again. She kills all but 1 of the dryads on the left flank and wounds my treeman again then she places 2 tokens down for comet of casandora where it could likely engulf both armies entirely...suicidal maniac! Luckily combat was in my favor as she failed to wound my treekin who killed 6 of them in return and reformed to face them to finish them off next turn.
Turn Four
Wood Elves
Wanting to finish the game before that comet lands i charge everything i had into watchtower...then of course the comet lands and explodes a monstrous 14" and wipes out just about everything i have. It deals some damage to her tower defenders but i suffer the most. On the plus side however my treekin kill her sword masters to a man and prepare to charge!
High Elves
In a last ditch effort she blasts my unit with chain lightning and thunder bolt to finish me off but to no avail. Knowing that i would charge next turn and win overall she throws in the towel and calls it a day.
A great game...i thought i was going to get hammered after the impact she had turn 1 but with a bit of good luck i managed to pull through in the end...phew.
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